Webinars That Will Make You Do A Double Take

 In eLearning Brothers

You know the great thing about webinars? They’re an endless source of inspiration and ideas for your next development project—and they’re usually free! Webinars are a great way to:

  1. Discover new techniques, and/or
  2. Learn about new products and services

This month, we have several upcoming webinars that are going to do both—show you some eLearning design and development techniques AND introduce you to a few services you might not have known we offer. It’s a double whammy of eLearning awesomeness this month!

These webinars are all hosted by members of our eLearning Brothers custom development team and they’ll be showing you real content they’ve built, giving you tips on how YOU can try the same strategies with your next eLearning development project, and sharing how we can help you take your training to the next level.

Now, let’s check out these upcoming webinars:


Now Introducing- Learning Strategy and Organizational Development Services_Blog Header

Now Introducing: Learning Strategy and Organizational Development Services

February 12 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST

Did you know our Custom division can help assess your organizational needs and the changes or gaps in performance that created them? We define your business payoff needs, your business goals, and the performance goals of your initiative and can then help you to define a strategy and creative, science-based learning methods that will actually help solve your problem. Join us as we share examples, models and case studies that can help shape your strategic thinking in 2019 and beyond.

Register Now


Micro-Learning and the Learning Life Cycle_Blog Header

Micro-Learning and the Learning Life Cycle

February 14 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST

In today’s quick-consumption world, learners are demanding more and more just-in-time learning solutions that provide just the right content when and where they need it. Join us as we demonstrate real-world micro-learning projects and discuss how the right strategy can elevate the learning life cycle within any organization.

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Award-Winning Projects – It’s All in the Design!

February 19 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm MST

Feast your eyes on deeply immersive and visually explosive eLearning! We’ll be breaking down some award-winning eLearning Brothers custom development projects and talking about what made each project so successful. You’ll walk away inspired and full of new knowledge about the key design elements that make for award-winning solutions.

Register Now

Register for the webinars above, or visit our Custom Solutions page to learn more about what we can provide you to make your eLearning a success.


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