Webinar: Up To Speed – Secrets of Reducing Time to Proficiency

 In eLearning Brothers

We had two very special guests for this week’s webinar! Marty Rosenheck, eLearning Brothers Director of Talent Development and Consulting and Steve Rosenbaum, Founder and CEO of Learning Paths International joined us to cover all things learning strategy and proficiency-related.

Steve Rosenbaum has written 2 books: Up to Speed: Secrets to Reducing Time to Proficiency and Learning Paths: Increase profits by dramatically reducing time to proficiency. In those books and in this webinar, Steve examines proven methods and techniques for dramatically reducing the time it takes to get employees up to speed. After all, every minute employees are at less than 100% proficiency can have a direct and significant financial impact on any organization.

For example, low proficiency leads to:

  • Fewer sales
  • Increased errors and accidents
  • Lost customers
  • Poor quality
  • Missed deadlines
  • More retraining

Yikes! That list definitely makes you want to get employees up to top proficiency faster, right?

Marty and Steve also covered how to build Learning Paths that include formal, informal, social and experiential learning. Correctly designed learning paths can help to rapidly transfer learning to the job.

Steve focuses on 3 key principles when building learning paths. They are:

  1. Learning is a process and not an event
  2. Knowing and doing are not the same
  3. Training should be by design, not by accident

In the recording, you’ll see how to build Learning Paths in TREK to improve online learning and provide a forum for on-the-job coaching.


Interested in learning more about TREK? Contact us to schedule your personal demo.


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